CrossFit CL (150)

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Bring-A-Friend-Day WOD Sat Dec 30


"Turkey's Revenge"

In Pairs:
10 Burpee-Over-Partner (Plank)
20 Med Ball Sit-ups @ 50/30
30 Partner Wallball Shots @ 20/14
40/30 Calorie Row / 32/24 Calorie Bike

20 Minute AMRAP

1) While your partner holds a plank from the knees or forearms, you perform a burpee then do a two-foot-takeoff over them (10 each)
2) Feet interlocked, lay down with a medicine ball or dead ball on your chest, sit up, pass to your partner, they do the same (20 total)
3) Partner 1 squats with the medicine ball, throws the ball up and the partner catches, repeating the movement (30 total)
4) Partner 1 and partner 2 split the number of calories as designated with one partner going at a time (40 total)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes :)