WOD Fri Jun 2
17.5 WOD Description:
For Time:
500m Row
Rest 90 seconds
500m Row
Total time required to complete both 500m rows. Include tenths of a second for each row. Do not include rest interval in total time. Example:. 500m #1 = 1:32.3 + 500m #2 = 1:34:0 Total time would be inputted as 3:06.30.
The athlete must stay on the rower the entire time.
Movement Standards:
- Athlete may not touch the handles until 3..2..1.. has been counted down
- Athlete must stay on the rower between attempts
- Athlete may not touch the handles until all 90 seconds have expired during the rest interval
- Athlete must configure rower
- Select “Workout” and “New Workout”
- Choose “Intervals” and then “Intervals – Distance”
- Ensure the distance is set to “500 M”
- Configure the rest period to “1:30”
- Don’t include rest interval in total score
17.5 WOD Variations: Masters 45-55+, Scaled & Teens
WOD Description:
AMRAP 20 mins:
20 Row calories
20 Wall ball shots (20bs/10ft & 14lbs/9ft)
20 Burpees onto plate
Total Complete Reps. (1 cal = 1 rep)
Movement Standards:
- the monitor must be reset between rounds and starting at 0 calories
- the damper and foot setting may be adjusted by the athlete
- only the athlete may touch the rower
- the athlete must remain seated and strapped on the rower until the display reads 20 calories
- the rep begins with the ball resting on the ground
- a full squat must be performed to initiate the rep
- the ball must clearly hit above the specified height
- if the athlete lets the ball bounce, he must wait till the ball rests on the ground to initiate a consequent rep. The athlete is allowed to stop the ball from bouncing prior to picking it up
Burpees onto plate:
- 45lb standard bumper plate (minimum 4 inches) for both male and female
- chest must clearly touch the ground to initiate the rep
- for the rep to be considered valid both feet must be on top of the plate, hips and knees extended
- the hands don’t need to be placed overhead while standing in extension on the plate
- step up/ step down is allowed, as well as lateral jumps
** I am recommending that everyone do the "scaled" workout today to ensure that you are not just coming in for a row. Options for the row include a 1000m bike or run to Quebec if it's nice outside.