CrossFit CL (150)

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Home Gym or $10/month Gym Goer?

Need a program?

Need to stay accountable?

Do squats hurt your knees, presses hurt your shoulders, or deadlifts bother your back?

Whether you work out at home in the basement or garage, or you enjoy working out in a commercial gym setting but would like to use free weights, we can help you with that.

StrongFit is now offering a six week training program, with two hour training sessions every two weeks to offer personal training in a small group setting. You will be provided with a four day program for the six weeks, with a total of three sessions where you meet at StrongFit to work on movements with the program. During the sessions at StrongFit, we will provide you with the next two weeks of programming and then teach the points of performance of the movements for that program.

What we are offering is a six week training program, with six hours of personal training in a small group setting, all for $75. You can keep working out where you want and when you want, we just want to help you reach your fitness goals in a safe and effective manner.

Our program will begin on Saturday, October 13th from 2-4pm at StrongFit. Registration will be limited, no experience is required.

For more information or to register, message us online or e-mail