WOD Mon Nov 25
Stamina Squatting
Alternating On the Minute x 12 (6 Rounds):
Odd Minutes: 3 Front Squats
Even Minutes: 6 Back Squats
Barbell Loaded at 64% of 1RM Front Squat For Both Lifts
For Time:
40 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
20 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Rounds of Macho Man (185/135)
10 Sets:
1 Tempo Power Snatch
From the ground to knee level, take a full (5) seconds to slowly bring the bar into position. At the moment the bar crosses over the knee, accelerate into an aggressive extension, into a full power snatch. In the catch position, pause for a full 3-seconds.
Rest as needed between sets, but aim to keep it to 1:00 or less. Technique loads today.
Sets #1+2+3 - 60%
Sets #4+5+6 - 65%
Sets #7+8 - 70%
Sets #9+10 - 70-75%, based on feel.