CrossFit CL (150)

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WOD Thu Mar 22


Find peak cal/hr in 10 Pulls on rower OR peak RPM/Watts on bike in 10s


“Goat Day”

On the Minute x 30
Minute 1: Movement 1
Minute 2: Movement 2
Minute 3: Row/Bike at 60% of max Cal/hr for 45s

“Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Pull-ups, Overhead Squats, Handstand Push-ups. These are the best days to turn perceived weaknesses into strengths. No better way to do that than today. We don’t improve our technique with a high heart rate – that’s what we refer to as “training”. Today is geared towards “practice,” dialing in our mechanics with a controlled heart rate. As an example, to improve the technique of double-unders, we want to practice at a low-intensity where we can really focus on the mechanics of the hands and the timing of the jump. When we couple “training” with “practice” throughout the week in the right doses, we set ourselves on the fast track to results. Choose two “Goats” to work on, and we’ll alternate between them on each minute. Choose an appropriate rep scheme for each movement that keeps things in the practice intensity range.

On every Thursday during the Open, we will run these Goat Days. Since we do not know what movements will come out for Friday’s workout, this is an opportunity for athletes to choose what they would like to do as opposed to programming movements that may or may not show up tomorrow. Sticking to the same movements over the five weeks that have the biggest potential of moving the needle for athletes is better than picking different movements from week to week. With these being movements that athletes are not proficient at, there is the possibility for some to feel dejected when they leave. Addressing this from the beginning eases many of those feelings. If athletes remain diligent and consistent across these five weeks with their practice, they will leave better than they started.


Power Snatch Singles Caught in 3 Positions
4 x 1 + 1 + 1 @ 65% (do 1 high power snatch, 1 mid power snatch, 1 lower power snatch)

Power Clean + Split Jerk
4 x 1 + 2 @ 65%