WOD Wed July 11
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) / 45 Wallballs @ 30/20
1 Mile Run / 2000/1600m Row / 100/80 Cal Bike
10 Rope Climbs / 20 Strict Supinated Grip Pull-ups
1 Mile Run / 2000/1600m Row / 100/80 Cal Bike
100 Burpees
Time Cap: 35 Minutes
30 Strict MUs for time (or 10 minute AMRAP)
100 Empty Bar Snatches
50 Muscle
50 Power
- do in sets of 5 with short breaks
100 Empty Bar Power Clean & Jerks
50 Power Clean + Push Jerks
50 Power Clean + Split Jerks