WOD Tue July 10
Front Squats
- build to heavy single
“Liquid Laugh”
5 Rounds:
1 Minute Front Rack Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (50’s/35’s)
1 Minute Double Unders
1 Minute Calorie Bike
1 Minute Rest
Parallette HSPU
15-12-9 for time
Rest 2 minutes between sets
This will be a benchmark repeated in weeks time. Modify this volume to 12-9-6 or 9-6-3 to ensure that we can complete the first set in at most, 3 sets with shorter breaks between.
- scale to DB HSPU
Strict Handstand Push-ups
Max Strict Set / Max in 3 minutes (if less than 10)
*Baseline testing
Every 5 Minutes x 4 Rounds:
400m Run
15 TTB
50 DUs