WOD Thu Nov 14
Part A:
2 rounds:
1 minute machine (bike/row)
30 sec/arm 1-arm KB farmers carry
30sec E-Fit pull ups + 30sec 2 Spider-Man and 1 push up
1 minute d-ball hold
2 rounds: (30sec on/10sec off)
30 sec box dips x2
30 sec Chinese plank fwd/ 30 sec Chinese plank bwd
30 sec/leg KB RDL + Goblet lunge
30 sec alternating leg T2B/ 30 sec dead bugs
Part B: E-Fit sprints
sprint 1:
15/12 calorie row
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20
rest, then:
sprint 2:
22 wall balls 30/20
33 hanging knee raise
22 wall balls 30/20
Planche & Handstand hold progressions
7am E-Fit Class
Core/Lat complex: 3 rounds (90 sec rest b/w)
2 scissors + 2 lat pull downs
4 scissors + 4 lat pull downs
6 scissors + 6 lat pull downs
(Upper) Body Building: 3 rounds (15 sec rest b/w exercises & 3 min rest b/w rounds)
15 rainbow front raise + OH lateral raise
15 DB bent over row with 3 sec pause
15 bicep curl + cross body hammer curl
15 alt. OH tricep extensions
15 diamond front raise + svend press