CrossFit CL (150)

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WOD Tue Mar 12


EMOM x 8
3 Deadlifts + 2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk/Front Squat
-start with light weights on bar, build to technical load
-option to use DBs



5 Rounds, "On the 5:00":
15 Barbell-Facing Burpees
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks / Front Squats

Bar @ 135/95 (limit weight to unbroken sets)
Option to use DB for HPC, Push-ups instead of Push-Jerks


On the 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00:
15/12 Calorie Row
40 Double-Unders
35-40% of Max Ring Muscle-Ups
Time remaining after each set is rest.
