CrossFit CL (150)

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Sunday May 19th - NO Recovery Today - "Murph" Hero WOD at 10:30AM


Option 1:

1 Mile Run

100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats

1 Mile Run

RX Men: wear a 20lb vest
RX Women: wear a 14lb vest

Option 2:

First timers that would normally RX workouts:

1600m Run / 2000m Row / 4800m Bike

20 Rounds of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

1600m Run / 2000m Row / 4800m Bike

Option 3:

800m Run / 1000m Row / 2400m Bike

10-20 Minute AMRAP:
3/4/5 Pull-ups / Ring Rows
6/8/10 Push-ups / Elevated Push-ups
9/12/15 Air Squats

800m Run / 1000m Row / 2400m Bike at cooldown pace

This WOD is the complete opposite of what we normally do on Sundays, which is recover. If coming today please ensure you are choosing the appropriate option, cooling down, stretching, and consider taking tomorrow as a rest day. As always, these options are a guideline and can be further modified to fit your experience and fitness levels.