CrossFit CL (150)

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Here I will give some advice that I believe has helped me in local CrossFit-style competitions.  PS I am not Mat Fraser and have not figured all of this out, but here is what helps me:


Remember to adequately warm-up:

This is especially important for the first workout of any competition.  It is even more important for this weekend’s Rumble as the first workout is a max lift (snatch).  I would recommend showing up at least 45 minutes before you are scheduled to compete and go through a full snatch warm-up (foam roll what you need to foam roll, work with the PVC pipe to warm up shoulders and hips, and practice at least 10 snatches at progressively heavier weights). 

45 minutes is even pushing it but I would say that is a bare minimum… perhaps you will want to show up over an hour before with a mug of coffee so you don’t feel rushed during your warm up. 

Subsequent events will require a bit less warm-up than the first event, but it is important to still actually get your heart rate up again before you hit the competition floor.  Performing mini-rounds of the movements that will be in the following workout is the best way that I have found to prime my body and my aerobic system for the upcoming challenge. 

An example warm-up for Event 3 could be:

5 burpee box jump over/step ups

10 toes to bar/hanging knee raise

5 bar muscle ups/ pull ups

5 burpee box jumps/ step ups

…I would perform this warm-up approximately 10 minutes before I am scheduled to compete.

PS. Do not worry about “burning yourself out” in your warm-up… it is better for your body to be awake and ready to compete.


Pack enough food:

What exactly you should pack to eat is outside my scope of expertise but I like to pack chicken, quinoa, and some cooked vegetables and about 10 minutes after each event I eat basically as much as I feel like eating, and then a little bit more.  It is so easy to forget to eat due to the excitement of the competition.  I have been there!  It will likely be too late to eat if you are suddenly hungry 20 minutes before an event… so prepare for this by eating hours before you compete… even if you do not feel like eating at the time because you are on an endorphin high after crushing a workout. 

Bars work great too, if that is what you typically eat during training.

A great tip about game day nutrition that I heard from CrossFit Games veteran Dan Bailey is that you should not drastically change anything.  During the competition, and even for days leading up to the competition, just eat as you typically eat.  Perhaps that is pizza pops and coca cola (lol), and if it is, just keep eating that because at least your body is familiar with the pizza pops.

*Also remember to drink water.

Have fun:

Being prepared should make your experience more fun as you will probably be able to relax more and enjoy time with your friends in between and during events.  We all do this to lead a healthier lifestyle and to have fun with our friends! Even if you do make a mistake out there on the competition floor, that is OK!  Everyone at the competition is cheering for you, even when you do make mistakes…. Perhaps especially then.  I know that in my own experience, I do much better in competitions when I allow myself to relax and joke around in between events.