CrossFit CL (150)

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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Virtual Schedule Expansion & Commitment Buddy Promotion

We just finished the first 6 weeks of Virtual CrossFit classes, and it has been so fun! Our crew of virtual members have been so consistent in attending classes, and we have even had some regular gym goers pop in for a workout or two!

We will be doing our virtual Barbell Package Giveaway draw live on Instagram on Dec 23. Here are the people in the running to win: Jeana Penno, Danielle Deck, Rosalie Block, Laura Bergen, Crystal Fang, Stephanie Hughes, and Melanie Coutts. Good luck all!

We don’t know what the next few months will bring but we want to encourage you to keep going. So we have two exciting announcements!

Expanded January Virtual Schedule

Starting Jan 3, 2021 you will be able to tune in to Virtual CrossFit classes 5 days a week! Sunday - Thursday. Sunday class will be live at 10am, and Monday -Thursday classes running at 7pm.

Sunday’s class will be programmed as EMOMs (every minute on the minute) to practice skills, build strength, and focus on quality of movement - as an addition to our regular programming. We can even help you customize your own weekly EMOM program and guide you through linear progressions.

As always, all virtual classes are open to regular in-gym members as well. Come join us!

January Commitment Buddy Promotion (virtual)

Join StrongFit, on a virtual membership ($60/m), with a buddy by Jan 3, 2021. If both of you attend 12 classes through the month of Jan, you each get the month of Feb for FREE!

We don’t want to just give you a deal to start and then have you fall off the first month with us. We want you to commit to your fitness and get rewarded just for showing up. We want you to do this with a buddy because it will give you that extra accountability to get you through the full month of Jan, and beyond!

(Note: buddies must be identified by Jan 3, 2021. This deal also available for current virtual members, but their buddy must be a new member.)

For question or more information about any of this, email

why yes, I am excited!

working hard together, even though we are apart.

all smiles after finishing workout

virtual high-five take 1…

virtual high-five take 15…nailed it :)