WOD Mon Jul 20
Front Squat EMOM x 10:
Build to a Heavy Single - plan out your weights to figure out where to start, please do not max out unless everything feels amazing.
In 10 Minutes:
2,500/2,000 Meter Bike Erg / 1200/1000m Row / 1000m Run / 3000m Echo Bike
100 Double Unders
Time Remaining:
Max Power Snatches @ 115/85
Start with a buy-in of bike/row/run and double-unders, if that takes you 7 minutes then you have 3 minutes to do as many snatches as possible.
Choose a bike/row/run distance that you think you can complete in under 5 minutes. Double-unders should be done in under 2 minutes. Power snatches can be dumbbell power snatches, select a weight where you can work with minimal rest for 3 minutes (minimum of 10 reps per minute).