CrossFit CL (150)

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WOD Wed Aug 12


“Kicking and Screaming”

10 Power Snatches @ 115/85
20 Overhead Squats @ 115/85
30 Toes to Bar
40 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks @ 50/35

Choose a weight that allows for unbroken sets (if you had to) but break them up as a good strategy. Scaling option is to reduce reps to half the volume (5/10/15/20) but be prepared for a lot of work as this will allow for more volume overall. Alternate dumbbell for hang clean and jerks every 5 reps.

Substitutions: Power Snatches = Dumbbell Power Snatches, Overhead Squats = Front Squats, Toes to Bar = Abmat Sit-ups, Dumbbell HC+J = Dumbbell HC only.