Fri Feb 23 "Bounce Back"
1) Deadlifts: Build to technical set of 8 reps
2) 4 Minute AMRAP, 2 Minute Rest, Repeat*:
5 Walkouts (Inchworm + Push-up)
5 Deadlifts
30 Single-Skips
*Carry on where you left off
1) 8 Deadlifts @ 60-65-70%
2) “Bounce Back”
4 Minute AMRAP:
3 Wall Walks
3 Deadlifts @ 275/195
50 Double-Unders
Rest 2 Minutes
4 Minute AMRAP:
5 Wall Walks
5 Deadlifts @ 275/195
30 Double-Unders
1) 8 Deadlifts at each weight, should have plenty in the tank after each set (adjust weight based on how you feel)
2) Reduce distance on wall-walks as needed. Goal should be to complete 2-3 rounds per AMRAP. Weight should not exceed 75% of your 1RM deadlift
5 Rounds For Quality:
2 Squat Snatches (starting at 70% and building)
50’ Handstand Walk
50’ Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 50/35
Not for time - practice these movements and keep HR low