CrossFit CL (150)

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Fri Jan 12 "Green Screen"


1) 1) Pausing Bent Over Rows:
3 x 10, 2s pause against chest and bottom

2) 20 Minute AMRAP:

1200/1000m Bike
50’ Medicine/D-Ball Carry
25’ Sled Push, 25’ Sled Drag


1) Pausing Bent Over Rows:
3 x 10, 2s pause against chest and bottom

2) “Green Screen”

5 Rounds, For Quality:
1200/1000m Echo Bike
50’ Sandbag Carry @ 150/100
25’ Sled Push, 25’ Sled Drag


1) Keep it light enough that you can focus on keeping your shoulders down and mid-back and lats as the primary movers

2) Roughly 4-5 minutes per round, you are just moving and sharing equipment. Feel free to change weights between people as we have two sleds and you’ll have to share (you’ll likely be waiting here). Xtreme Monkey duffell bags are 100lbs each. Option to do heavy farmers carry