CrossFit CL (150)

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Sun Mar 17 "Open WOD 24.3 Re-do"

Masters, Scaled, & Foundations Options

Masters 55+:
Women’s weights: 45, 65
Men’s weights: 65/95
Both do: Chin-Over-Bar, Chest-To-Bar

Women’s weights: 45, 65
Men’s weights: 65/95
Both do: Jumping Chest-To-Bar, Chin-Over-Bar

Scaled Masters 55+:
Women’s weights: 35/55
Men’s weights: 45/65
Both do: Jumping Chest-To-Bar, Chin-Over-Bar


“Open WOD 24.3”

For Time (15 Minute Cap):

5 Rounds:
10 Thrusters @ 95/65
10 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups

1 Minute Rest

5 Rounds:
7 Thrusters @ 135/95
7 Bar Muscle-ups


1) If the goal is to get through as many CTB as possible, start with small sets or singles and do thrusters in small sets. You may end up taking the full 15 minutes to complete 5 rounds but try to take long breaks and do not fail any CTBs

2) If you can get to the BMU but do not have any, get there as quickly as possible for a fast tiebreak time. Rest for more than a minute and take a few good attempts at a BMU

3) If your goal is to complete this workout within the cap, break up CTB and heavier thrusters, be conservative on BMU, and quick on all transitions

4) If there are no limitations the goal is a steady pace from the get-go. 1-2 sets on the CTB, unbroken on thrusters, enjoy the minute of rest and push again with unbroken heavy thrusters. If BMU can be done in 2 sets, hang on and the last round may drop off a bit, be quick to get back on the bar in smaller sets