CrossFit CL (150)

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Fri Nov. 29 "Raise the Bar"


2) 5 Rounds x AMRAP 3

3 Pull Ups
5 Power Cleans (Increase Weight Each Round)
7 Cal Bike
*Rest 3 Min. B/n Rounds


1) Strict Weighted Chin Ups: building

2) Raise the Bar

5 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
7/5 Bar Muscle Ups
15-12-9-6-3 Power Cleans (Increasing in Weight)
Max Cal Echo Bike
*Rest 3 Min. B/n Rounds

Round 1: 135/95
Round 2: 155/105
Round 3: 185/135
Round 4: 205/145
Round 5: 225/155


1) The goal is to make each set progressively harder. This could mean adding load or decreasing bands. Focus on opening up the chest to the bar and engaging the lats.

2) This workout involves short 3 minute intervals with a 3 minute rest in between. Each set starts with a difficult gymnastic movement able to be completed in 2-3 sets. You are then moving to power cleans. These are increasing in weight each round while decreasing reps. You should end at a weight that does not exceed 70% of your 1RM. You can finish strong on the bike to earn that rest!

Extra Credit

3 x 8 Lunge (Per Side)
3:00 Backward Walking Sled Drag