CrossFit CL (150)

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Fri Sep 8 “Strong Like Lesley”

Today’s birthday workout is brought to you by Amy K. for her dear friend Leslie P. who celebrates her birthday TODAY!

“I'm getting Lesley Patkau back, um... she'll hide in a corner to do the wod but also wants you to find her and watch her but not make it look like you're watching her so you can tweak anything wonky, she refuses to use her legs and wont tell you when she's going for a pr. We have drinks together and tells me all her secrets mwuahahhaha”

Happy birthday, Leslie!!


1) Deadlifts: 5 x 5 Building to technical load

2) 22 minute AMRAP
2 Minute Row
1 Minute Deadlifts
1 Minute Box Jumps (Or Step-ups)

2 Minute Rest


1) Deadlifts: Build to a 5RM

2) “Strong Like Lesley”

15 Rounds:
1 Handstand Hold (3 seconds)
5 Deadlifts @ 185/135
10 Calorie Row


1) Build to a heavy set of 5 for the day. Focus on a tight start and keeping it close

2) Options to kick up to the wall, do 1-3 strict handstand push-ups, a wall walk, or feet-elevated inchworms. Deadlifts should be lighter than 60% and be able to keep sets unbroken. Each round should take a maximum of 1.5 minutes with a 22 minute cap