CrossFit CL (150)

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Mon Dec. 30 "Fortitude"


1) 3 Supersets
7 Knee Raises
21 Sit Ups


1) 3 Supersets (15 Min. Time Cap)
7 Strict Toes to Bar
21 Medball Sit Ups (14/10)
Rest 2 Minutes

2) Fortitude

On the Minute x 20
Minute 1: Row Calories
Minute 2: Burpees


1) This is a a core component to start, moving through two movements, then resting for 2 minutes before you start them again. Choose a challenging toes to bar movement, whether it is strict or kipping. Sit Ups should be completed at a steady pace and unbroken.

2) You will be alternating between 2 movements, switching every minute. Leave about 10 seconds before the next minute to switch movements.

Extra Credit

40 Minute Ruck (30/20)