CrossFit CL (150)

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Mon Jan. 13 "Macho Man V2"


1) 3 Sets
5 Back Squats @ technical load
3 Air Jump Squats

2) On the Minute x 10
3 DB Power Cleans
3 DB Front Squats
3 DB Push Jerks


1) 3 Sets:
5 Back Squats
3 Dumbbell Squat Jumps

2) Macho Man V2

On the Minute x 10
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks


1) Aim to build over the 3 sets of back squats, finishing at around 75-80% of your 1 RM. You will follow each set with 3 DB squat jumps with a light DB. Each jump should be explosive, with full extension of hips and knees at the top. Rest 2-3 minutes after each set.

2) Every minute on the minute, you will complete this 9 rep complex. Aim to choose a weight that takes under 40 seconds to complete, giving you a little wiggle room to rest before the next round. You will stay at this weight throughout the full ten rounds. Aim for drop single power cleans, then unbroken front squats and jerks.

Extra Credit

DB Bench Press: Drop Sets till Failure
Max DB Bench Press (70/50)
Max DB Bench Press (50/35)
Max DB Bench Press (35/25)