CrossFit CL (150)

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Mon Jan. 6 "Heads or Tails"


1) Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunges 3 x 12

2) AMRAP 12
6 DB Snatches Right
6 Alternating Lunges
6 DB Snatches Left
6 Alternating Lunges
20 Single Skips
Rest 30 Seconds


1) Front Rack Reverse Lunges: 3 x 12 (6/leg)

2) Heads or Tails

6 DB Snatches Right (50/35)
6 DB Goblet Reverse Lunges
6 DB Snatches Left
6 DB Goblet Reverse Lunges
30 Double Unders


1) You will alternate lunges, completing 6 reps per leg in total. Each set you will build in weight to a technical load. Aim to build to 55-65% of 1RM Front Squat. Rest 2-3 minutes per set.

2) This workout will use one dumbbell throughout the whole workout. All snatch reps will be completed on the same side when you are doing snatches. For the goblet squats, you will hold the dumbbell at the chest with both hands on the top part of the dumbbell. Complete 6 reps total so 3 reps per leg. Double under practice should be capped at 30 seconds. Aim to complete roughly 6 rounds.

Extra Credit

Ring Muscle Up Practice
1 Max Set of Strict
1 Max Set of Kipping