CrossFit CL (150)

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Mon July 8 "Spin Move"


1) Strict Press: 8-8-6-6-4-4

2) 18 Min. AMRAP
20 Single Skips
10 Alternating DB Snatches
10 Cal Row
5 Single DB Goblet Squat
30 Sec. Rest


1) Strict Press:
10 @ 58%
8 @ 67%
6 @ 76%
10 @ 61%
8 @ 70%
6 @ 79%

2) Spin Move
5 Rounds For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
50 Double Unders
15-12-9-6-3 DB Squat Snatch (70/50#)
15/12 Cal Row


1) The barbell will come from the rack throughout these two waves, with the aim to get slightly heavier in the second wave.

2) This workout aims to increase pace as you move through into the smaller reps. The double unders and row will both take around a minute. The DB squat snatches are a difficult, technical movement so choose a weight that allows you finish the couple rounds broken into 2-3 sets. Grip will be a factor during this workout so break it up when you can. Row can be subbed for 12/10 cals on the bike.

Extra Credit

3 x 20 Double Dumbbell Box Steps (24”/20”) for quality
*10 Reps each side NOT alternating (rest 2 min. between sets)