Mon June 17 "Fair Game"
1) 5-4-3-2-1 Building Bench Press
2) 8 Rounds
30 Sec. KB Swing
30 Sec. Knee Push Ups
30 Sec. Sit Ups
30 Sec. Rest
1) Bench Press: build to a heavy single for the day
2) Fair Game
On the 2:00 x 8 Sets
15 KB Swings (70/53)
15 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 GHD Sit Ups
1) Based on how your feeling, build to a heavy singe. If you’re feeling good, this might be a PR day so have a spotter ready for you!
2) This is a sprint interval workout so each round you should be pushing a hard pace to finish the three movements. The GHD will take the longest of the 3 movements so scale to get some rest before the next round.
Extra Credit
Strict Press: 3x8 Building (Rest 2-3 Min. between sets)