CrossFit CL (150)

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Mon Oct. 14 "19.1"


2) AMRAP 15
10 Wall Balls
10 Cal Bike
Rest 30 Sec.


1) Front Squats

On the 3:00 x 5 Sets
2 Front Squats @ 80%

2) 19.1

19 Wall Balls (20/14)
19 Cal Row


1) You will not be building over these sets. Aim to maintain the same weight that you started at, roughly around 80%. If form starts to break down, reduce weight and continue in the next set.

2) This is an Open workout repeat here. Both stations will roughly take about 1:30, meaning aim to complete 5 rounds. The goal is to keep rounds consistent while pushing on the bike. Break up the wall balls earlier than you think so that you can maintain a pace over the rounds.

Extra Credit

3 x 15 Chest Supported Double Dumbbell Row
3 x 16 Hammer Curls (8/side)