Mon Oct. 21 "Piggyback
1) 4 x 10 Strict Press @ technical load
2) 18 Minute Time Cap
Pull Ups
DB Hang Snatch (R)
Cal Bike
DB Hang Snatch (L)
Rest 1 Minute b/n Each Round
1) Strict Press: Build to heavy set of 10
2) Piggyback
Dumbbell Hang Snatches (R) (70/50)
Calorie Bike
Dumbbell Hang Snatch (L)
Calorie Bike
Directly into …
12/9 Bar Muscle Ups
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
1) This is a time to test your 10 rep max strict press. This number should be somewhere around 60% your 1RM Strict Press. Build up over the following rep scheme: 10-8-6-4-10 (building)
2) This workout involves doing a set of dumbbell snatches all on one arm. Each set should be done at a weight that you could do unbroken if fresh. There is a cash out at the end, completing a challenging gymnastic movements at the end. Aim to finish the first part in roughly 15 minutes, leaving roughly 3 minutes for your cash out.
Extra Credit
3 Supersets:
20 Goblet Squats (50/35)
20 Jumping Lunges
*Rest 1 minute b/n sets