CrossFit CL (150)

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Sat Jan 13 "Uppers & Downers"


1) Hang Power Snatches: Build to technical double

2) 10 Minute AMRAP:

2-4-6…Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
10 Wallballs


1) Power Snatches: Build to technical double

2) “Uppers & Downers”

10 Minute AMRAP:

1-2-3…Power Snatches @ 135/95
15 Wallballs @ 20/14


1) Can be drop singles or touch-and-go. Extend through the whole body first, then use arms to pull your body into a squat. Build until you are unable to catch the bar ~parallel or if you have to take a step after receiving the bar (“technical” load)

2) Select a weight that allows for quick reps on the power snatches (max 65%) and break up wallballs to recover for snatches