CrossFit CL (150)

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Sat Jun 25 "NeuLiskas"

Workout of the day

1) Build to a heavy single Snatch in a 11 Minute EMOM


20 Minute AMRAP:
2 Power Snatches (Or Power Cleans)
6 Pull-ups (Or Ring Rows)
26 Skips
1200m Bike

2) “NeuLiskas”

5 Rounds:
2 Snatches @ 85% of weight in part 1)
6/4 Muscle-ups
26 Double-Unders
400m Run

Today’s WOD is brought to you by Brittany Neumeier in celebration of her and Kade Liska’s 1st Wedding Anniversary on June 26th. The happy couple have been together for 11+ years, been doing CrossFit together for 5 years, and these are some of Kade’s favorite movements. Happy anniversary you two!


1) Start light and build to a heavy technical load, feel free to stay at a weight early on and practice for remainder of EMOM

2) Adjust the % to choose a weight that is challenging but can be maintained for 5 rounds. Choose a gymnastics movement that is challenging for 6 reps (BMU, CTB) and aim to keep moving. Each round should be done in under 4 minutes, 20 minute cap