CrossFit CL (150)

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Sat May 25 "Wi(dt)h & Length"


1) 2 Hang Power/Squat Cleans at technical load every minute on the the minute for 7 rounds

2) AMRAP 20 Min.

12/9 Calorie Row
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
3 Push Ups
*Rest 1 minute between rounds


1) EMOM x 7
2 Touch and Go Squat Cleans at 75%

2) "Wi(dt)h & Length"

AMRAP 20 Min.
18/15 Calorie Row
12 Deadlifts (155/105)
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Deficit Handstand Push Up (4”/3”)
*Rest 1 minute between rounds


1) These are performed unbroken from the floor. Focus on keeping the bar close to the body and having quick elbows to get under the bar.

2) This workout is a variation of DT. The row should be finished in under 1:30. Deadlifts can be broken up into 1-3 sets, taking no more than one minute. Hang Power Clean will be the weight limiter so choose a weight you can hang onto for 1-2 sets. Shoulders will be fatigued by the time you get to HSPU so choose the difficulty of this movement accordingly.