CrossFit CL (150)

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Sun Feb 25 "Body Care"


1) Row:
60s Work, 30s Rest, 3 Rounds
Rest 2 Min
x 3 Rounds (17.5 Mins Total)

2) 3 Sets:

10 Single-Leg Dumbbell Box Step-ups (Left Leg)
10 Single-Leg Dumbbell Box Step-ups (Right Leg)
100’ Single-Arm Overhead Farmer’s Carry (Left Arm Overhead)
100’ Single-Arm Overhead Farmer’s Carry (Right Arm Overhead)

*Step-ups are done with two dumbbells, both hanging by your side

**Farmer’s Carry are done with one dumbbell overhead, the other dumbbell hanging by your side


1) Work for 60s at a 8/10 on the effort scale and then rest 30s, do this for 3 rounds then rest for 2 minutes. Do this for 3 rounds. (60s on, 30s off, 60s on, 30s off, 60s on, 2 minutes off, repeat for 2 more rounds)

2) Select a dumbbell weight that would be challenging but can be done unbroken. Complete all step-ups on one leg before switching to the other side, reduce height of box (max 24/20) to allow for control of ascent and descent