Sun Oct 6 "Open Gym"
Our running program for the year has ended and we are now moving to Open Gym. Members can use the space to make up a workout from earlier in the week, do some mobility work (ie roll out, stretch, or follow a MVMNT Mobility video), or work on skills. Below is an example of how you can progress in any skilled movements:
Example 1:
On the minute x 10 minutes: 3-10 push-ups
Start with 3 excellently executed push-ups, every minute, for 10 minutes. If you are able to maintain all of these reps with good form, next week you can try to complete 4 reps across the 10 minutes. At some point, you will not be able to maintain for 10 minutes, you can stay at that rep scheme until all reps are completed.
Example 2:
Alternating EMOM x 20 minutes:
Odd minutes: Gymnastics movement 1 (ie push-ups, dips, handstand push-ups, handstand holds or walking)
Even minutes: Gymnastics movement 2 (ie strict pull-ups, kipping pull-ups/chest-to-bar/toes-to-bar/muscle-ups)
The progression here is the same as above; start with a low rep scheme and build as you are able to successfully complete the intended movement and rep scheme across all rounds before increasing difficulty
Example 3:
Weightlifting EMOM:
Build to 70% of your 1RM Snatch, Clean, or Jerk and then do 1 rep every 60-90 seconds
These can be done from the hang, the floor, or blocks. Goal here is to refine technique and get quality reps in with structured rest.