Thu Dec 28 "Cardio Against Humanity"
1) Strict Press: Build to technical set of 5
2) 4 Rounds (10 Min Cap):
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts
12/10 Cal Echo Bike
4 x 50’ Shuttle Runs
1) Strict Press: Build to heavy set of 5
2) “Cardio Against Humanity”
For Time (10 Min Cap):
20 Deadlifts @ 225/155
24/20 Cal Echo Bike
400m Run
24/20 Cal Echo Bike
20 Deadlifts @ 225/155
1) Build past 85% as you attempt a 5RM. Take small jumps as presses tire out quickly, practicing bar path before it becomes an issue
2) Select a weight that you can do unbroken (but will do in 2+ sets as a good strategy), hammer out the bike, run if it’s nice (to the trees) or row 500/450m