CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue Dec. 3 "Five for Fighting"


1) Power Snatches (Increasing in Weight)

2) AMRAP 15 Minutes

6 Pull Ups Or Ring Rows
8 Goblet Squats
10 Cal Bike
1 Minute Rest


1) Power Snatches: 4-3-2, 4-3-2 @
70-76-82%, 73-79-85%

2) Five for Fighting

2 Rounds
12 Pull Ups
12 Double Dumbbell Front Squats (50/35)
Directly into … Max Cal Bike

5 Minute Rest

3 Rounds:
8 Pull Ups
8 Double Dumbbell Front Squats
Directly into … Max Cal Bike


1) Power Snatches will be completed every 2 minutes. There are two waves you will work through, with the second wave starting slightly heavier. These can be performed as touch and go reps or drop singles.

2) This 15 minute workout has two parts with a 5 minute rest between each round. In each section, the rounds increase while the reps decrease. Choose a weight that you will complete the pull ups in 3 sets or less. The squats should be completed in 2 sets or less. Once you finish the required rounds, you will hop on the bike until the five minutes are up!

Extra Credit

5 Legless Rope Climbs