CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue Jan 17 "Walk The Line"

Workout of the day

1) Strict Press: 6 x 2-3 Strict Presses @ 78-88%


15 Minute AMRAP:
5 Jumping Pull-ups
15’ Walking Lunges
30 Skips (or 1 Minute DU Practice)
15’ Walking Lunges

2) “Walk The Line”

5 Rounds For Time:
9 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups
30’ Suitcase DB Walking Lunges @ 50/35
60 Double-Unders
30’ Suitcase DB Walking Lunges


1) Build to 88% of your 1RM Strict Press and do 6 Sets at that weight, reducing to 2 reps if needed

2) Meant to be a quick workout, modify pull-ups and double-unders so they take roughly 1 minute each (max), hold two dumbbells by your sides and lunge for walking lunges