CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue Jan. 21 "The Good Life"


2) 6 Rounds (Time Cap 18 Min)

200m Row
6 Burpees
10 Step Ups


1) Strict Press 3 x 10 Building

2) The Good Life

3 Rounds For Time (Time Cap 18 Min)
500m Row
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps (24/20”)


1) You will be building to a technical failure set today over these three sets. Rep will count once it is locked out over your centre line overhead. You will be aiming to finish your sets at roughly 70% of your 1RM.

2) This is a benchmark workout that we last completed on 1/22/2024. Transitions will be important here to keep the pace moving. Row will be completed in 2:15 or less, rowing at a pace that allows you to start the burpees right away. Burpees will take roughly 1 minute, making sure chest and thighs touch the floor each rep. Box jumps will take roughly 1:00 or less. Make sure you stand up each jump at the top since they are NOT jump overs.

Extra Credit

8 x 8 Unbroken Bench Press @50% 1RM