CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue Jan. 7 "Sixth Sense"


1) 5 x 5 Push Press Building


1) Push Press (10 Min. Time Cap)
25 Reps @ 80% for Time

2) Sixth Sense

AMRAP 6, 2 Min Rest x 4 Rounds:

R1: 12 Cal Bike, Max Cal Row
R2: 24 Cal Bike, Max Cal Row
R3: 36 Cal Bike, Max Cal Row
R4: 48 Cal Bike, Max Cal Row


1) You are completing 25 Push Press as fast as you can at 80% of your 1 RM Push Press. Barbell will come from the rack and be reracked when breaks are needed. Aim to complete the 25 reps in 4-6 sets.

2) This is an aerobic workout that decreases the time on the rower every round. Aim to practice breathing and technique on the rower. Earn your 2 minute rest! Scale Bike to 1-2-3-4 minutes respectively for each round if this rep scheme looks challenging or not maintainable.

Extra Credit

21-15-9 (15 Min. Time Cap)
Bench Press @55%
Cal Bike
Strict HSPU
Cal Bike

24 Cal Bike
Max Cal Row

AMRAP 6, 2 Min Rest:
12 Cal Bike
Max Cal Row

Rest 2 Minutes
36 Cal Bike
Max Cal Row
Rest 2 Minutes
48 Cal Bike
Max Cal Row


1) You are completing 25 Push Press as fast as you can at 80% of your 1 RM Push Press. Barbell will come from the rack and be reracked when breaks are needed. Aim to complete the 25 reps in 4-6 sets.

2) This is an aerobic workout that decreases the time on the rower every round. Aim to practice breathing and technique on the rower. Earn your 2 minute rest! Scale Bike to 1-2-3-4 minutes respectively for each round if this rep scheme looks challenging or not maintainable.

Extra Credit

21-15-9 (15 Min. Time Cap)
Bench Press @55%
Cal Bike
Strict HSPU
Cal Bike