CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue July 23 "Doubled Over"


1) 5 x 3 Banded Pull Ups

2) 30 Min. AMRAP
40 Single Skips
20 Knee Raises
15 Cal Row
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
*Rest 3 Minutes


1) Strict Weighted Pull Ups: Build to 3 Rep Max

2) Doubled Over

3 Rounds For Time (30 Min. Time Cap)
80 Double Unders
30 Toes to Bar
30/24 Calorie Row
10 Dumbbell Hang Snatch (R) (70/50)
10 Dumbbell Hang Snatch (L)
*Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds


1) Build up in sets of 3 to a heavy set of 3 pull ups. This could look like the least amount of bands used to complete 3 reps.

2) This workout is extremely grippy so find spaces to break it up and relax the grip. The double unders should take roughly 1:30. The toes to bar should be broken up, but no more than 6 sets. The row will take roughly two minutes, which leaves a big set of unbroken set of hang snatches. Row can be subbed with 400m Run or 25/20 Cal Bike. If you want to finish in the time cap, each round should take under 7 minutes, not including the 3 minute rest.

Extra Credit
3 Sets:
7 Banded Strict Pull Ups (Wide)
7 Banded Strict Pull Ups (Regular)
7 Banded Strict Chin Ups (Narrow)
*Rest 3 Minutes b/n sets