Tue July 9 "The 99"
1) Banded Pull Up Practice
2) 25 Min. AMRAP
9 Cal Bike
6 Wall Balls
3 Pull Ups OR 5 Ring Rows
30 Sec. Rest
1) Strict Weighted Pull Ups: 4-4-4-3-2
2) The 99
For Time (25 Min. Time Cap)
99 Calorie Echo Bike
99 Wall Balls (20/14)
99 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*Partition However You Like
1) Prioritize full range of motion for these pull ups. Remember to keep tension throughout the body, raising the chin to pass the bar level.
2) If you’re feeling fabulous, do this unpartitioned. If you want to make achievable sets, consider doing 11 rounds of 9 reps of each or vice versa.
Extra Credit
Rope Climb Work: 2 Sets for Quality
1 Seated Legless Rope Climb
7 Rope Pull-Ups (Right Hand on Top)
7 Rope Pull-Ups (Left Hand on Top)
*Rest 2-3 Min. Between Sets