CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue Jun 7 "Dude, Where's My Bar?"

Workout of the day

1) Handstand and Core Conditioning: Alternating EMOM x 12:
- Choose one: 3 Inchworm walkouts, 1-3 Wall Walks, 20’ HS Walk
- Choose one: 10-15 DB weighted sit-ups OR 10-15 GHD Sit-ups

30 Minute AMRAP:
500/400m Row
50 Skips (Or 1 Min DUs)
400m Run (Or 1200/1000m Bike)

2) “Dude, Where’s My Bar”
For Time:
2000m Row
150 Double-Unders
1 Mile Run
150 Double-Unders
2000m Row


1) Practice being upside-down and choose a skill that is challenging but maintainable (complete work in under 40s)

2) Lots of conditioning, work to maintain a low heart rate and get through as much work as possible within a 40 minute cap