CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue June 18 "Hold It Together"


1) 5 x 5 Banded Pull Ups

2) 30 Min. AMRAP
12 Cal Row
3 Pull Ups
6 Step Ups


1) Weighted Strict Pull Ups: 5-3-1 using greatest load possible for each set

2) Hold It Together

For Time (35 Min. Time Cap)
150/120 Cal Row
90 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
60 Double Dumbbell Box Step-ups (50/35) (20”)
*Partition however your heart desires


1) We are trying to get a max weight for each set of pull-ups. This could look like adding weight OR could be decreasing bands each round. Make each set a max out set.

2) Break this up however you like; this could look like 15 Rounds of 10/8 Cal Row, 6 C2B, 4 DBBS OR 5 Rounds of 30/24 Cal Row, 18 C2B, 12 DBBS.

Extra Credit

6 Sets: 20 Sec. Goblet Squat (50/35), 10 Sec. Rest
6 Sets: 20 Sec. Wall Sit, 10 Sec. Rest