CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue May 30 "Gut Reaction"


1) Hang Power Cleans: Build to a technical set of 3 and do multiple sets there

2) 5 Rounds x 3 Minute AMRAP, 3 Minute Rest:

30 Sit-ups
15 Light Deadlifts
Max Cal Echo Bike

Workout of the day

1) Power Cleans: 6 x 3 @ 75%
THEN: 1 x Max Reps @ 75%

2) “Gut Reaction”

5 Rounds x 3 Minute AMRAP, 3 Minute Rest:

30 GHD Sit-ups
15 Deadlifts @ 185/135
Max Cal Echo Bike


1) Touch-and-go power cleans at the same weight today. Keep the arms long and be patient to the top third of the thigh, fast elbows and a strong squat/receiving position

2) Sit-ups should not take longer the 90s, deadlifts in 1-2 sets max, minimum of 30s on the bike at an all-out effort (or close to). Goal is to maintain calories but expect it to drop off