CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue Sep 19 "Kelly"


1) Bench Press: Build to technical set of 5

2) Every 5 Minutes x 5 Rounds:

1200/1000m Echo Bike
20 Box Step-ups
20 Goblet Squats


1) Bench Press:
10-8-6-10-8-6 @ 58-67-76-61-70-79%

2) “Kelly”

5 Rounds (30 Minute Cap):
400m Run
30 Box Jumps @ 24/20
30 Wallballs @ 20/14


1) Build to 58% and then do two waves of 10-8-6 with increasing weights

2) Repeat workout from 9/20/2022. Aim is to do large sets of the work inside the gym and recover on the run. Must stand up on top of the box jumps