CrossFit CL (150)

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Tue Sep 5 "Parti Time"


1) Bench Press: Build to technical set of 5

2) 30 Minute AMRAP:

30 Skips
200m Run (Or 600/500m Bike)
10 Abmat Sit-ups (Or Knee-Raises)


1) Bench Press: 8-6-4-8-6-4-8-6-4
@ 58-67-76-61-70-79-64-73-82

2) “Parti Time”

For Time (30 Min Cap):
300 Double-Unders
2 Mile Run
100 Toes-To-Bar

*Partition However You’d Like


1) Lots of sets and specific percentages here but the main takeaway is to get the reps in and be conservative on the weights if needed to get all of the sets in

2) This is a repeat workout from 9.30.22. Option to re-do the exact same scaling from then or try a more challenging variation. Goal is to complete the workout as quickly as possible, strategizing the reps and rounds in a way that caters to your strengths. Example: Complete 30 Double-Unders and 10 TTB x 10 Rounds then finish with a 2 Mile Run (3200m)