Sun Dec 17 Mobility by MVMNT Mobility + “Tap Dancing”
1) 30 Minute MVMNT Mobility Video: Coach’s Choice
2) “Tap Dancing”
9 Toes to Bar, 50 Double Unders
9 Deadlifts, 50 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar, 50 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts, 50 Double Unders
21 Toes to Bar, 50 Double Unders
21 Deadlifts, 50 Double Unders ...
Add 6 Toes to Bar & Deadlifts Each Round
Barbell: 205 / 145 lb
2) In this 10 minute grind, athletes will alternate between their jump rope and either the barbell or the pull-up bar. Grip, shoulder, and lung fatigue will be most notable in this workout.
Toes To Bar: Athletes should be able to complete sets of 5 or more throughout.
Double Unders: Athletes should be able to complete all sets with no more than 1 break.
Deadlifts: Athletes should be able to complete sets of 5 or more throughout. The loading should not exceed 65% of your 1RM deadlift.
Goal: Complete at least 3 rounds (9-15-21).