CrossFit CL (150)

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Wed Apr 17 "Sweep The Leg"


1) Bench Press: Build to technical double

2) 15 Minute AMRAP:

3-6-9-12…continue increasing by 3:
Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
Bike Calories
Dumbbell Push Presses
Bike Calories


1) 2 Bench Press: Build to 80%

2) “Sweep The Leg”

For Time (18 Min Cap):
Power Cleans @ 115/85
Bike Calories
Push Jerks
Bike Calories


1) Build to as high as 80% for doubles today, should have 2-3 reps in reserve

2) Select a weight that allows for quick singles on power cleans and large sets on push jerks. Go slower on the bike in order to maintain larger sets on the barbell

Quarterfinals Prep

Mobility work & up to 20 minutes of light cardio