CrossFit CL (150)

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Wed Aug. 14 "Multipurpose"


1) On the 3:00 x 3: 3 Deadlifts with 5 Second Negative

2) 15 Min. AMRAP
15 Box Step Overs
10 Reverse Lunges
5 Burpee to Bar


1) Tempo Sumo Deadlift: On the 3:00 x 3 (building)
3 Sumo Deadlifts (5 Second Negative)

2) Multipurpose

15 Box Jumps (30”/24”)
10 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (50/35)
5 Burpee Pull Ups


1) The sumo deadlift involves a wider stance with hands placed between the legs. A squat stance is utilized more for this lift versus a hinge like a conventional deadlift.

2) This is a leg intensive workout so don’t gas yourself too early. The box jumps are slightly higher today so watch you don’t trip as your legs get fatigued. They will take roughly 60 seconds or less. The lunges are performed as alternating reverse lunges with a weight that allows for an unbroken set. Choose a pull up bar that you are not able to touch. Aim for 6+ rounds in this 15 minutes.

Extra Credit
Band Assisted Pull Ups: 60 Pull Ups (with 1 inch band)