CrossFit CL (150)

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Wed Aug. 21 "Left Hanging"


1) 6 x 3 Power Snatches

2) 18 Min. AMRAP
12 DB Snatches (Alt. every 3 reps)
10 Sit ups
8 Bike Cals
30 Sec. Rest


1) Power Snatch: Build to Heavy Triple

2) Left Hanging

42-30-18 (18 Min. Time Cap)
Single DB Hang Snatches (70/50)
*Alternate arms every 3 reps
GHD Sit Ups
35-25-15 Bike Cals


1) These sets of 3 can be drop singles or touch and go reps. Maintain good speed and try to hit full extension at the hips.

2) Most of the workout is in the first 2 rounds of the workout, so keep a steady pace at the beginning and aim to speed up as you go. You will be switching arms every 3 reps for snatches, choosing a weight that you can do all sets with no more than 2 breaks. GHD can be switched for weighted sit ups or leg lowers. Bike should be held at a high RPM (75+).

Extra Credit
On the 3:00 x 4 Sets (building)
3 TnG Deadlifts (start at roughly 70% of 1 RM dead)