CrossFit CL (150)

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Wed Oct. 16 "Up For Grabs"


1) Deadlift: 6 x 5 @ technical load

2) AMRAP 13
5 Dumbbell Power Cleans
8 Suitcase Lunges Per Side
20 Single Skips


1) Deadlift: Heavy Set of 10

2) Up For Grabs

5 Power Cleans (135/95)
25’ Overhead Barbell Walking Lunge
50 Double Unders


1) It’s barbell cardio time! We are finding a heavy set of of 10 for the day. Build over the following rep scheme: 8-8-5-5-3-10. This weight will roughly be around 60-70% of your 1RM. We are aiming to increase this number next week, so you can be conservative for this set.

2) The aim in this workout is to complete each set unbroken and maintain quick transitions. A good goal to set would be aiming to achieve 6 rounds, maintaining a round every 2ish minutes. Power cleans should be at a weight where you can complete 5 unbroken. Lunges can be subbed for front/back rack if needed. Ensure knees and hips reach full extension when you step up out of each lunge. Double under practice should be capped at 45 seconds.

Extra Credit

10 Rounds:
1:20 Bike or Row, Rest 40 Seconds
(RPE 7-8 = vigorous)