Tue May 7 "Cement Mixer"


1) Banded Strict Pull-ups: 3 x 8

2) Every 3 Mins x 7 Rounds:

3 Strict Pull-ups (Or 6 Ring Rows)
9 Strict Knee-Raises
Max Distance on Echo Bike


1) Strict Pull-ups: 3 Unbroken Sets

2) “Cement Mixer”

Every 3 Mins x 7 Rounds:
400m Run
9 Toes-To-Bar
3 Bar Muscle-ups


1) Go to technical failure each time (chin must be above the bar every time), minimum number should be 8 in the first set (band accordingly)

2) Move quickly and get through the gymnastics movements with some time to spare at the end of each round. Reduce distance on run and simplify movements as needed

Jason TrinhComment