Mon May 6 "Holy Smokes"


1) Front Squats: Build to a technical set of 5

2) 5 Rounds:

6 Dumbbell Thrusters
8/6 Cal Echo Bike
6 Burpees
8/6 Cal Echo Bike


1) Front Squats: 2 @ 65%
EMOM x 12

2) “Holy Smokes”

Dumbbell Thrusters @ 50/35
15/12 Cal Echo Bike
Devil’s Press
15/12 Cal Echo Bike


1) Following a 1 minute timer, do 2 reps at 65% (should be able to do 10+ reps here) for 12 rounds

2) 5 rounds of descending reps for thrusters and devil’s press, a total of 10 sets of biking. Select a weight that allows for dumbbell movements to be unbroken, double dumbbells (scaled to one dumbbell) for devil’s press

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